About The Author

Tonimaria Anne Hawkins, also known as Toni Hawkins was born in DC and was raised in Montgomery County, Maryland. She’s had a passion for writing since she was twelve years old. Her middle school English teacher inspired her to write short stories which eventually became novels. English has always been her favorite subject. When Hawkins was in high school, she began to read books from Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Stephenie Meyer, Charlaine Harris, James Patterson and JK Rowling. Hawkins is an award winning International Bestselling author of The Gifted Series. She is currently working on the final book to The Gifted Series and stories that involve romantic comedy, LGBTQ and supernatural horror. When Hawkins is not writing, she is seen volunteering at her church, binge watching American Horror Story and baking. Hawkins is a current member of the Alpha Sigma Tau sorority and a graduate from the University of Maryland.




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